Suite 2, 1 Railway Crescent
Croydon, Victoria 3136
Email: integrityone@iplan.com.au
Telephone : 03 9723 0522
Your Complete Financial Solution
How much tax you pay on retirement income depends on your age and the type of income stream.
For most people, an income stream from superannuation will be tax-free from age 60.
Types of super income streams
Income from super can be an:
What is taxable and what is tax-free
Part of your super money is taxable, made up of:
Part is tax-free, made up of:
If you’re age 60 or over
Your entire benefit from a taxed super fund (which most funds are) is tax-free.
If you’re age 55 to 59
Your income payment has two parts:
If you’re age 55 or younger
You can usually only access your super if you experience permanent incapacity. If this happens, you’ll be taxed the same as people aged 55 to 59.
If accessing super for a different reason, such as severe financial hardship, your income payment has two parts:
Defined benefit super fund
If you’re with a defined benefit super fund, you’ll get a statement from your fund before becoming eligible for your benefit (super money). This will tell you how much of your benefit is taxable and how much is tax-free.
Untaxed super fund
Some government super funds don’t pay regular tax on contributions. These are known as ‘untaxed funds’. If you’re a member of an untaxed fund, you pay tax when you access your money. Check with your fund to find out more.
Self-managed super fund (SMSF)
If you’re part of an SMSF, how you access your money depends on the ‘trust deed’ (rules).
With a transition to retirement (TTR) income stream, you can access your super while working. To get one of these pensions, you must have reached your preservation age (between 55 and 60).
You can take out up to 10% of the balance each financial year. You can’t withdraw it as a lump sum.
You pay the same amount of tax as on other super income streams, according to your age. Investment returns on TTR pensions are taxed at up to 15%, the same as a super accumulation fund.
With an annuity bought with money from outside super, you get a fixed income for a set period of time. This pension income, less a deductible amount, is taxed at your marginal tax rate.
The deductible amount is the part of your original money (capital) coming back to you with each pension payment.
Suite 2, 1 Railway Crescent
Croydon, Victoria 3136
Email: integrityone@iplan.com.au
Telephone : 03 9723 0522
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Integrity One Planning Services Pty Ltd (ABN 59 125 846 933) is a Corporate Representative (315000) of Integrity Financial Planners Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 225051).