These are indeed testing times for us all!.
Victoria entered Stage 4 restrictions for six weeks commencing at 11.59 pm on Wednesday, August 5, further impacting on everyone’s lives and work. We want to reassure all our clients that we are still here for you.
Even though our staff are all working from home they are all still accessible to you – they are just a phone call away.
The biggest impact has been In-person meetings, document printing, and document signing,
In-person meetings – As much as we love meeting our clients in person sadly this has not been possible for some time. Fortunately, technology has come to our aid and we have utilising a range of video meeting options and using the technology clients feel comfortable with, failing this a telephone call can be just as effective. It is particularly important that we keep communicating during this period and we strongly suggest clients not defer Portfolio Review meetings until we can meet again in person as it may be still quite sometime before this is possible.
Document printing. We are still in a position to print and send hard copy documents to those customers that prefer it. While is quicker and environmentally friendlier to use electronic documents we understand if this is not your preference. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to drop documents to the office so all hard copy documentation will need to be sent through the mail.
Document signing. A number of government agencies, insurance companies and superannuation funds have temporarily modified their requirements around physical signatures and use of electronic signatures. Again we have a range of options around electronic document signatures which we have adopted and our staff will guide you through when necessary. The use of electronic signatures has the added benefit of reducing the amount of document printing.
These are challenging times, and increased isolation will be difficult for some people. As always do not hesitate to reach out to us if you are worried or concerned about your financial situation. Speaking with and helping our clients is what we love best!.
Please contact Integrity One if we can assist you with this or any other financial matter.
Phone: (03) 9723 0522
Suite 2, 1 Railway Crescent
Croydon, Victoria 3136
Email: integrityone@iplan.com.au
This information is of a general nature and does not take into consideration anyone’s individual circumstances or objectives. Financial Planning activities only are provided by Integrity One Planning Services Pty Ltd as a Corporate Authorised Representative No. 315000 of Integrity Financial Planners Pty Ltd ABN 71 069 537 855 AFSL 225051. Integrity One Planning Services Pty Ltd and Integrity One Accounting and Business Advisory Services Pty Ltd are not liable for any financial loss resulting from decisions made based on this information. Please consult your adviser, finance specialist, broker, and/or accountant before making decisions using this information.